Glory To Thee, My God, This Night Descant / 'Tallis' Canon' Glory To Thee, My God, This Night PEL6106 / /
God Be Merciful Unto Us / Psalm 67 Choir & Organ God Be Merciful Unto Us / Psalm 67 PEL2021 / 1998 / 03'30"
God In Three Persons Fantasia on 'Nicaea' for solo organ God In Three Persons PEL4023 / 2017 / 05'00"
God, My King, Thy Might Confessing Descant / 'Stuttgart' God, My King, Thy Might Confessing PEL6023 / /
Good Christians All, Rejoice And Sing Descant / 'Gelobt sei Gott' Good Christians All, Rejoice And Sing PEL6042 / /
Hark! The Glad Sound! The Saviour Comes Descant / 'Richmond' Hark! The Glad Sound! The Saviour Comes PEL6094 / /
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Hymn Arrangement / Choir & Organ Hark! The Herald Angels Sing PEL5023 / 1993 / 03'30"
Have Mercy Upon Me, O God Choral Introit / Psalm Setting Have Mercy Upon Me, O God PEL5046 / 2017 / 00'30"