
Commissioning a new work

Contact us at Pelagosmusic to engage Paul Halley for your next project whether it's a premiere performance, a special event, or a commemoration. Choral and instrumental compositions, from solo works to full orchestrations, may be commissioned. Prices are quoted per minute according to the finished length of the work.

For commissions of choral music or works for voice, the provision of an existing text, preferably in the public domain, is requested, with approval reserved to the composer. Your requests as to specific voicing and accompanying instrumentation are also appreciated.  Paul is a versatile composer who can, in most cases, accommodate anything you may envision.  The rate schedule serves as a general guide and pricing can be modified to address customized variations in voicing and instrumentation.  You may wish to speak with Paul directly about these musical details as he proceeds with your commission.  The dedication, specified by the commissioning organization or individual, is found above the title on the first page of music on all commissioned works. You may select the wording you wish for the dedication. 

The commissioning organization is given the exclusive right to perform the premiere of the work. After the premiere performance, Pelagosmusic usually publishes the work so that other organizations throughout the world may perform this new Paul Halley piece which you caused to be created.  It is gratifying for an organization to see the work that it commissioned subsequently performed in many countries throughout the world and perhaps recorded by other ensembles.

Have questions about the process? Contact us to inquire.

For commission information in PDF format, click on the links below.

PDF Paul Halley General Commission Information
PDF Paul Halley Biography
PDF Paul Halley Commissions Schedule of Rates
PDF Paul Halley - Full List of Commissioned Works

"Halley's mellifluous tone and subtle harmonic shifts sent many in the audience home in a state of musical rapture."  

- The Washington Post


Completed commissions

Below is a list of works commissioned of Paul Halley, listed in reverse chronological order from the present all the way back to 1968.
The earliest entry is for "Gloria In Excelsis Deo", written when Paul Halley was sixteen and asked to create a one-minute 'Gloria' for a particular Sunday's worship at St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Ottawa, Ontario where Paul served as organist under the direction of Brian Law, Director of Music. This list shows the range of organizations for which Paul Halley has created new works, and the diverse possibilities in voicing and instrumentation.

Most of these commissioned works have now been published (and, in some cases, recorded) by Pelagos and are available for purchase on this website. A hyperlink on the title will bring you to the webpage that has details about that particular title. Or, to see all our available published music, go to All Scores and sort as you wish.




Hope Rising •
2023 - 6 min

Commissioned for the tenth anniversary of the Calgary Flood of 2013 by The Anglican Parish of Christ Church, Elbow Park, AB
Text: Jeremiah 47:2 (KJV); Psalm 93:3 (NAS); Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936); John Fawcett (1740-1817);
Synesius of Cyrene, 430; trans A.W. Chatfield, 1876 and John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, children's choir, piano and optional organ

Shared Journey •
2023 - 3 min

Commissioned by First Unitarian Church of Dallas in honor of their commitment to social justice and racial equity.
Music: Paul Halley
Duet for piano and organ

The Visitation •
2023 - 3 min

Commissioned by First Unitarian Church of Dallas in honor of their commitment to social justice and racial equity.
Music: Paul Halley
Solo piano and optional organ

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Blaenwern) •
2022 - 5 min

Commissioned by First United Methodist Church in Shreveport, in celebration of the
twenty‐fifth year anniversary of music ministry by E. Ray Peebles, organist.
Text: Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
Blaenwern, William Penfro Rowlands (1860-1937) arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

I Lean My Heart •
2022 - 4 min
Commissioned by Church of Christ Congregational, Newington, CT, Peter Niedmann, Director of Music
Text: John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano with organ, bass, (and percussion)

People, Look East •
2022 - 4 min

Commissioned by the Reverend Canon Robert Hulse in memory of his first organist and choirmaster in 1964, Shirley C. MacRae.
Text: Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965)
Music: Trad. Besançon Melody arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

Annunciation •
2021 - 4 min
Commissioned by The Rev’d Jordan Draper in honor of The Rev’d Dr Gary Thorne 
Text: Marie Howe (by permission) (b. 1950)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied


The Cherry Tree Carol
2019 – 4 min
For Chris Luedecke and The Chapel Choir of The University of King’s College, Halifax
Text and Music: Traditional American/Appalachian, arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano or banjo with optional organ

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
2019 – 9 min
Commissioned by The Anglican Parish of Christ Church, Calgary in honor of Margaret Newman, Organist and Director of Music.
Text: The Book of Common Prayer (in English)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

She Moved Through The Fair •
2018 - 5 min
Commissioned by Durham Philharmonic Choir, Whitby, ON, for the 25th anniversary of the choir. Robert M. Phillips, Director.
Text: Traditional Irish and Nova Scotian folksongs, 'She Moved Through The Fair' and 'The False Knight Upon The Road'.
Music: Trad., arr. Paul Halley
SATB, piano, and cello

The Bright Daystar Is Comen of His Heav'nly Towers •
2017 - 5 min
Commissioned by The New York City Children's Chorus, Mary Huff, Director, for the chorus' fifth anniversary
Words and Music: Advent Prose and a traditional Scottish melody with text by William Dunbar, for Christmas.
Music: Traditional, and Paul Halley
SSA choir with piano and organ, with optional SATB

The Choir Invisible •
2017 - 4 min
Commissioned by The Unitarian Church in Westport, Westport, CT, in celebration of forty years of music ministry by Rev. Dr. Edward Thompson
Text: George Eliot
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano

God In Three Persons: A Fantasia on 'Nicea' •
2017 - 5 min
Commissioned by Southside Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL in honor of for Bette Mattox's fifty years as organist for the church.
Music: A Fantasia on 'Nicea' for solo organ by Paul Halley
Organ solo

Song Of The Nuns Of Chester
2016 – 4 min
For The Chapel Choir of The University of King’s College, Halifax
Text and Music: Anon c. 1430, arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ with optional hand-bells

In the Wide Awe and Wisdom of the Night •
2016 - 5 min
Commissioned by Cardinal Carter Academy For The Arts, Toronto, ON, Eric Hauser, Director of Music.
Text: Charles G.D. Roberts (1860-1943)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

On The Foundation of the Apostles • 
2015 - 3 mins
Commissioned by St. John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg, NS, Barbara Butler, Director of Music
Text: Ephesians 3: 20-21
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, piano, and flute

Ode To Newfoundland • 
2015 - 3 mins
Commissioned by St. Michael's Choir School, Toronto, Dr. Jerzy Cichocki, Artistic Director, Spring Tour of Newfoundland 2015
Text: ‘Ode to Newfoundland’ by Sir Cavendish Boyle
Music: Ode to Newfoundland by Sir C. Hubert Parry arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir, congregation, and organ

For The Fallen •
2015 - 1 min
For The Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, for Remembrance Sunday 2015
'For The Fallen' by Laurence Binyon (1869 - 1943)
Music: Paul Halley
Introit for SATB choir unaccompanied

When Music Sounds • 
2015 - 3 mins
Commissioned by The Plainville Choral Society, Plainville, CT in honor of Peter and MaryJane Peluso  
Text: "Music" - Walter de la Mare (1873 - 1958)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, piano, and optional organ

Move Eastward, Happy Earth • 
2014 - 5 mins
For Elizabeth Kobes and Nicholas Halley on the occasion of their wedding
Text: Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809 - 92)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

You Gather Things To You •
2014 - 4 mins
For Elizabeth Rogers and Mark Wright on the occasion of their wedding
Text: “Poema XII (Para Mi Corazon)” by Pablo Neruda (1904-73)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis for St. Patrick’s Day 
2008 –   5 mins
For The Chapel Choir of The University of King's College, Halifax, NS
Text: The Book of Common Prayer (in English)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven • 
2014 - 3 mins
Commissioned by The Toronto Catholic District School Board in honor of Dr. Jerzy Cichocki, Artistic Director of St. Michael’s Choir School, Toronto
Text: from the United Methodist Hymnal, based on Henry F. Lyte (1793-1847): Psalm 103
Music: Lauda Anima John Goss (1800-80) arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled •
2014 - 5 mins
Commissioned by The Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York City, in honor of Mollie Nichols, Director of Music & Organist.
Text: The Gospel of John 14:1-6 (KJV)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

Ere zij God •
2014 - 4 mins
Commissioned by Jake and Jocelyn Knoppers in honor of the 35th Annual CBC Radio Christmas Sing-In, Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul, Montreal
Music & Text: "Ere zij God”, Trad. Dutch, arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir, congregation, organ, brass, percussion

Tàladh Chriosda (Christ Child’s Lullaby) •
2013 – 4 min
For The Chapel Choir of The University of King’s College, Halifax, NS
Text and Music: Trad. Scottish (Isle of Barra), arr. Paul Halley
SATB, organ and optional Bodhrán

Mass of St. Michael the Archangel •
Kyrie, Gloria, Acclamations, Sanctus & Benedictus, Agnus Dei
2013 - 12 mins (total)
Commissioned by His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto, to celebrate St. Michael's Choir School, Toronto, Dr. Jerzy Cichocki, Artistic Director.
Text: The Mass, English Translation of The Roman Missal, Copyright 2010 by the International Commission on English Liturgy Corporation (ICEL).
Music: Paul Halley
Unison, SATB choir, congregation, and organ with optional brass quintet and timpani

Duetto Matrimonio •
2013 - 3 mins
For the wedding of Samantha Halley and Jonathan Suters
Music: Paul Halley
Organ with trumpet and French horn

Beati Omnes Qui Timent Dominum •
2013 - 6 mins
For Samantha Halley and Jonathan Suters on the occasion of their wedding
Text: Psalm 127 – Clementine Vulgate trans. 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes •
2013 - 4 mins
For the Men of Capella Regalis for the choir's Nova Scotia Tour 2013
Text: Ben Jonson (1573-1637)
Music: Old English Air arr. Paul Halley

TTBB choir and organ

Offertorium •
2012 - 7 mins
Commissioned for St James United Church, Montréal, Philip Crozier, Director of Music, to commemorate the restoration of Casavant, opus 1608
Music: Paul Halley
Choral Partita for organ on theme of 'Picardy'.

God's Grandeur •
2012 - 6 mins
Commissioned for St James United Church, Montréal, Philip Crozier, Director of Music, to commemorate the restoration of Casavant, opus 1608
Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

We Are Not Alone •
Choral Introit
2012 - 3 mins
Commissioned for St James United Church, Montréal, Philip Crozier, Director of Music, in memory of the Rev'd Anne Hall
Text: adapted from "A New Creed", United Church of Canada
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied

Magnificat - Tone II •
2012 - 6 mins
Commissioned by All Saints’ Kingsway Anglican Church, Toronto to celebrate the installation of its new Casavant organ
Text: 'The Song of Mary' (in English)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

Nobile Claret Opus •
2012 - 4 mins
For Allidah Muller and Nathaniel Rogers on the occasion of their wedding
Text: Abbot Suger (1081-1151), from inscription on bronze doors of the Abbey Church of St. Denis, and Psalm 127 v.1
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

Let All The World In Every Corner Sing •
2012 - 3 mins
Commissioned by St. John's Anglican Church, Elora, ON in honor of Emily Dow Petrenko to mark ten years conducting the Youth Choir
Text: George Herbert
Music: Paul Halley
Treble choir and organ

Christós Anésti (Christ Is Risen) •
2011 - 4 mins
Commissioned by Christ Church Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills, MI, John Repulski, Director of Music, for Easter Sunday Service
Text: Eastern Orthodox Rite, John of Damascus (8th cent.) trans. J. M. Neale, 1862
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, organ, brass quintet & percussion

The Dawning •
2011 - 6 mins
Commissioned by Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver BC, Rupert Lang, Director of Music, Vancouver Children's Choir, Rupert Lang, Founder and Director, Good Noise Vancouver Gospel Choir, Gail Suderman, Director, to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the City of Vancouver.
Text: The Roman Rite, Trad. Spiritual, Judah Halevi (c.1075-1141)
Music: Paul Halley
Two SATB choirs, treble choir, piano, bass, percussion, organ, sax

Joy To The World •
2011 - 4 mins
Commissioned by The Canadian Broadcasting Company for the CBC Christmas Sing-In 2011, Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul, Montreal
Text: Trad.
Music: Trad. arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir, congregation, trumpets, trombones, organ and timpani

We Love The Place, O God •
2010 - 3 mins
Commissioned by The Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, John Hudson, Music Director, to celebrate the centennial of the Cathedral building.
Text: William Bullock, rev. by Henry Baker, from 'Songs of the Church' (Halifax, 1854) and Latin text from Liber Usualis
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

Let The Word of Christ •
2010 - 4 mins
Commissioned by Church of Christ Congregational, Norfolk, CT, Elizabeth Allyn, Minister of Music, in celebration of the church's 250th anniversary 
Text: from ‘Colossians’
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

Il Est Né Le Divin Enfant •
2010 - 4 mins
Commissioned by The Canadian Broadcasting Company for the CBC Christmas Sing-In 2010, Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul, Montreal
Text: Traditional French
Music: Trad. French, arr. Paul Halley
SATB choir, congregation, trumpets, trombones, cymbals and snare drum

O Magnum Mysterium •
2010 - 3 mins
Commissioned by Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, BC, Michael Gormley, Director of Music for the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
Text: O Magnum Mysterium (Latin)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied


Where Is This Stupendous Stranger 
2009 - 4 mins
Commissioned for Suzie LeBlanc and The Chapel Choir of The University of King’s College, Halifax, Christmas 2009
Text: Christopher Smart (1722-71)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir with soprano solo, unaccompanied

A Brighter Garden •
2009 - 5 mins
Commissioned by the Plater Family for Calgary Girls Choir, Elaine Quilichini, director
Text: Isaac Watts (1674-1748), Emily Dickinson (1830-86)
Music: Paul Halley
SSA choir and piano with soprano solo, and French Horn
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

The Song In The Air •
2009 - 5 mins
Commissioned by Ottawa Children's Choir, Jackie Hawley, director, in celebration of the choir'sfiftieth anniversary
Text: "The Arrow and the Song" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-82)
Music: Paul Halley
SSA choir, piano, optional keyboard

A Wreathed Garland •
2009 - 3 mins
Commissioned by RCCO Toronto Chapter for the Centenary of RCCO founding in 1909
Text: "A Wreath" by George Herbert
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ, two trumpets, two trombones

Trompette du Trouvere •
2009 - 4 mins
Commissioned by James Ruth, organist, for the 150th anniversary of Trinity United Methodist Church, Denver, CO
Music: Paul Halley
Fanfare for organ featuring trumpet stop

The Spirit of Africville
2008 –   8 mins
Commissioned by Halifax Camerata Singers, Jeff Joudrey, Director
Text: Shauntay Grant, William Cowper
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, narrator, and piano, organ, percussion, bass

The Place Of Your Abode
2008 –   4 mins
Commissioned by St. John's Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC, Warren Howell, Director of Music
Text: Psalm 84, Timothy Dwight
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

The Pulley 
2008 –   4 mins
Commissioned by The University of King's College, Halifax, NS in honor of Dr. George Cooper
Text: George Herbert
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

Psalm 150: Laudate Dominum •
2008 - 5 mins
Commissioned by Lawrence Park Community Church, Toronto, Mark Toews, Music Director, to celebrate the rededication of the sanctuary
Text: Psalm 150
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, organ, trumpet, optional tympani
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

Oculi Omnium 
2008 –   4 mins
Commissioned for The Chapel Choir of The University of King's College, Halifax, NS
Text: from ‘The Grace Before Meals’ (Psalm 145: 16&17, and The Statures of King’s College, 1803)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

We Wait For Thy Loving Kindness, O God • 
2007 - 3 mins
For Vanessa Halley and Shaylan Burkhart on the occasion of their wedding.
Text: Selected scripture passages by the Rev’d C.M. Armitage, Precentor of Westminster
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

The Open Door
2007 –  5 mins
Commissioned by Plymouth Congregational Church, West Des Moines, IA, Sharon Parker Lenihan, DIrector of Music
Text: Rumi, John Greenleaf Whittier, John Oxenham
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano, organ, percussion, bass

Pilgrim •
2007 –  6 mins
Commissioned by Pacific International Children's Choral Festival PICCFEST, Peter Robb, DIrector
Text: Antonia Machado, Rainer Maria Rilke
Music: Paul Halley
SSA choir and piano, percussion, bass, strings, and trumpet

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis •
2007 –  8 mins
Commissioned by Philip Scriven, Director, and the Boys of Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield, England
Text: The Book of Common Prayer
Music: Paul Halley
SSA choir and organ

Eternal Gifts
2007 –  5 mins
Commissioned on behalf of The Choir of Men and Boys of St, Matthew's Church, Ottawa, ON on the occasion of the choir's fiftieth anniversary
Text: St. Matthew, St. Francis of Assisi, Bishop Thomas Ken (1721),  St. Ambrose
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

Kyrie, Bitte bei der grossen Schuld •
2007 –  5 mins
Commissioned by Massimo Bracci, DIrector, and Corale San Jacopo, Italy
Text: Psalm 51, Johann Burchard Freystein
Music: J.S. Bach BWV115, arr.  Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano, organ, bass, clarinet, flute

Seven Sisters
2006 –  6 mins
Commissioned by Steve Zimmerman, Bands Director, and the Northwest Connecticut Regional 7 High School Wind Bands
Music: Paul Halley
Wind band and percussion ensemble

O Wondrous Type
2006 –  5 mins
Commissioned by Grace Episcopal Church, Charleston, SC, Dr. Scott Bennett, Director of Music
Text: Latin, 15th cent; tr. Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

I Cannot Dance, O Love • 
2005 –  4 mins
Commissioned by Greater Hartford AGO and premiered by CONCORA for the Region 1 AGO Conference, July 2005
Text: Jean Weibe Janzen after 12th century Mechthild of Magdeburg, Charles Wesley
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

Be Thou By Their Side
2005 –  6 mins
Commissioned by David and Mary Dangremond for Bruce Fifer and Taft School Collegium Musicum
Text: William Amory Gardner, trad. Irish ca. 700
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano, with small instrumental ensemble

Christ, Whose Glory Fills The Skies 
2005 –  4 mins
Commissioned by Noel Edison and the Choir of St. John’s Anglican Church, Elora, ON in honor of The Rev’d Robert Hulce
Text: Charles Wesley (1707 – 1778)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ

The Endless Sea
2004 –  6 mins
Commissioned by Margaret T. Bossi, Director, and Chatham Chorale, Cape Cod, in honor of Elinor Perry
Texts: Psalm 104, Herman Melville, Carl Sandberg, Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, piano, sax, cello, oboe, bass, percussion, organ

Behold! The Grace Appears
2004 –  8 mins
Commissioned by Lorraine Revelle, Director, and Northern Choral Society, Watertown, NY, for the Society's fiftieth anniversary concert
Texts: Isaac Watts, The Bible, and The Book of Common Prayer
Music: Paul Halley
SATB/treble choirs, brass, organ, piano, bells, perc. 

Beannacht Leat, A Mhuire •
2004 – 3 mins
For Chorus Angelicus for the 2004 Ireland Tour, Paul Halley, Director
Text and Music: Trad. Irish, arr. Halley
SSA choir and organ

We Will Rejoice For Evermore 
2004 –  4 mins
Commissioned by First Congregational Church of Evanston in honor of Mr. David Lornson, Music Director
Text: from “Gates of Prayer” 1975 (The New Union Prayerbook)
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD 

Go Tell It On The Mountain •
2003 – 3 mins
For Karen Sovak, Executive Director of Joyful Noise, Inc. (Chorus Angelicus and Gaudemus)
Text and Music: Spiritual 19th cent., arr. Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied

Psalm 57
2003 –  4 mins
Commissioned by Michael Cothren and Susan Lowry for Emma Lowry Cothren’s George Slick Fellowship recital
Text: Psalm 57 – Episcopal Book of Common Prayer 1979
Music: Paul Halley
Soprano Solo, SATB choir, piano or harp, organ

In Sideribus Domi - At Home In The Stars
2003 – 30 mins
Commissioned by Continental Harmony Project of American Composers Forum for The Clay Center of Science and Art, Charleston, WV  
Text: Anne Lynch, Joseph Addison, David Densmore, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Michael Rowan- Robinson, Gregorian Chant
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and orchestra or small ensemble of piano, soprano sax, cello, bass, guitar, percussion

My Beloved Spake 
2002 – 6 mins 
Commissioned for Andrew Eliot Henderson and Mary Wannamaker Huff on the occasion of their wedding
Text: Song of Solomon
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir with soprano solo, organ and trumpet
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD 

Bring Us, O Lord God 
2002 – 4 mins 
Commissioned on behalf of The Choir of Men and Boys of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, in honor of Mr. Boyd Jarrell, cantor
Text: John Donne
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ with baritone solo

A House In Heaven •
2001 – 6 mins 
Commissioned by The Peterborough Singers, Syd Birrell, Music Director, in honor of young James Birrell
Text: M.D. Babcock, H.C. Beeching, B. Carman, J. Birrell, Psalm 8
Music: Paul Halley
Treble & SATB choirs, flute, piano, organ 

Preces and Responses 
2001 – 4 mins 
Commissioned by Patricia Burger and Steven Courtney for Trinity Cathedral Choir, Sacramento, CA, David Link, Director of Music, in honor of the 100th birthday of Bertha R.P. Nelson.
Text: 1928 Episcopal Hymnbook
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied

Untraveled Worlds 
2000 – 6 mins 
Commissioned by Bruce Fifer, Music Director, and the Collegium Musicum of Taft School for Commencement 2000
Text: Alfred, Lord Tennyson 'Ulysses'
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, violin, piano, percussion and optional strings

Sanctus and Benedictus •
2000 – 6 mins 
Commissioned by Dr. Joe Hickman, DIrector, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington Chamber Choir
Text: Latin Mass
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and organ, with soprano saxophone or C-instrument
Recorded on In The Wide Awe And Wisdom PEL1006 CD

Birds of Fire •
2000 – 4 mins 
Commissioned by The New York City Gay Men’s Chorus, Barry Oliver, Director
Text: Latin Mass
Music: Paul Halley
AATTBB choir, bass, percussion and Native American flute



The Ballad of Hiram Hover and Huldah Hyde 
1999 - 4 mins
Commissioned by Carol Magowan for Chorus Angelicus, Paul Halley, Director
Text: James Bayard Taylor, 19th cent.
Music: Paul Halley
SSA and piano

Evening Songs (A cycle of seven songs) •
1999 – 30 mins
Commissioned by Gerald Finley, baritone, and Louise Winter, mezzo-soprano
Text: Max Ehrmann
Music: Paul Halley
Baritone, mezzo-soprano and piano

United In Song •
1998 – 5 mins 
Commissioned by Arts Bureau for the Continents for the Millennium Unisong Festival 2000, Ottawa
Text: Paul Halley
Treble choir and/or SATB choir, and piano four hands or orchestra

God Be Merciful Unto Us •
1998 – 4 mins
Commissioned by Millard and Claire Pryor for the occasion of their daughter’s wedding
Text: Psalm 67
Music: Paul Halley
SSA choir with organ and trumpet 

A Letter from Giocondo •
1998 – 20 mins
Commissioned by Juniata College, Huntington, PA in honor of President Robert W. Neff upon his retirement 
Text: Fra Giovanni Giocondo, 1513
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and wind ensemble or orchestra 

The Song Of Wandering Aengus •
1997 – 4 mins
In honor of Brendan Gill
Text: William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Music: Trad. Irish, arr. Halley
SSA choir and piano with optional organ

Requiem for Dmitri •
1996 – 9 mins
Commissioned by The Paul Winter Consort for The Dmitri Pokrovsky Singers in memory of Dmitri Pokrovsky
Text: Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)

Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano, percussion, bass, sax, cello, and organ

Freedom Trilogy •
1995 – 8 mins
For Chorus Angelicus and Gaudeamus, Paul Halley, Director
Text: Greek, 3rd cent.; S. African, 20th cent.; John Newton
Music: Kyrie de Angelis, S. African, ‘Amazing Grace’, and Paul Halley
SSA or SATB choir and piano, percussion, bass, and optional organ

Verbum Caro Factum Est 
1994 – 6 mins
Commissioned by Wayne Abercrombie, Director, and the Chamber Choir of Williams College 
Text: John 1:14
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied

Jesu, The Very Thought Of Thee •
1994 – 5-1/2 mins
Commissioned by Noel Edison, Director, and The Elora Festival Singers
Text: 12th century Latin, (translation Edward Caswell)
SATB choir and organ

Voices of Light •
1993 – 8 mins 
For Rhonda Larson and Chorus Angelicus, Paul Halley, Director
Text: 6th cent. Latin, and Paul Halley
Music: Paul Halley
SSA (or SATB) choir and piano with flute and optional organ

Les Petits Troubadours De Dieu •
1992 – 9 mins 
Commissioned by The Ottawa Choral Society, Brian Law, DIrector
Text: St. Francis of Assisi, Psalms 27, 148, 149, 150
Music: Paul Halley
SSA choir (with optional SATB choir) and piano

The Rain Is Over And Gone (from 'City Without Walls') •
1991 - 8 mins 
Commissioned by The City Mission Society of Boston, MA
Text: Based on ‘The Song Of Songs’ adapt. Halley
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir with mezzo-soprano solo and piano, bass, percussion, and optional organ

Ubi Caritas •
1991 - 8 mins 
For Abdel Salaam and The Forces of Nature Dance Company
Text: French 10th cent., Yoruba and Khemitic texts
Music: Gregorian chant and Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano, percussion, bass, optional organ



Song For Canada •
1989 – 4 mins
Commissioned by The Ottawa Choral Society in honor of Barbara Clark for the Canada Day Celebration
Text: Paul Halley
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano, with optional bass and percussion

Wondrous Love •
1985 – 8 mins 
For The Rev'd James Parks Morton and the Choirs of The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC
Text: American folk hymn
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir, brass, timpani and organ

Christe Qui Lux Es Et Dies
1983 – 8 mins 
Commissioned by Mr. Coit Johnson in honor of Pamela Morton, wife of James Parks Morton, Dean of The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC 
Text: Latin
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir unaccompanied

Sound Over All Waters •
1982 - 4 mins
For Coretta Scott King on the occasion of her guest preaching at The Cathedral of St. John The Divine, NYC
Text: John Greenleaf Whittier
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir with mezzo-soprano solo and piano, optional bass and percussion

Love Songs for Springtime (Six song cycle) •
1981 – 21 mins 
Commissioned by the Ottawa Choral Society, Brian Law, Director
Text: English folk texts
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir and piano or brass quintet and percussion



The Canticle of the Sun •
1979 – 15 mins
Commissioned by Musica Sacra, NYC, Richard Westenburg, Director
Text: St. Francis of Assisi
Music: Paul Halley
SSAA choir unaccompanied

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis •
1972 – 6 mins
Commissioned by Richard Marlow, Director of Music, and the Choir of Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge
Text: The Book of Common Prayer (Rte I)
Music: Paul Halley
TTBB choir unaccompanied

Gloria In Excelsis Deo •
1968 – 1 min
Commissioned for Brian Law, Director of Music, and The Choir of Men and Boys of St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Ottawa
Text: 6th cent. Roman Rite
Music: Paul Halley
SATB choir with organ and brass