Licensing the music of Paul Halley
General catalogue administration of Paul Halley's music is exclusive to Pelagosmusic and we are the sole print publisher and distributor of these works. We represent Paul Halley's work for placement in films and for use in performance by other artists. We also issue licenses for the use of master rights in original Pelagosmusic recordings. Songs copyrighted to Paul Halley, and his music publishing entity, Back Alley Music, are administered by Pelagosmusic, with certain types of licensing handled in cooperation with various agencies noted below.
What's possible? Mechanical Licensing • Synchronization Licensing • Permission to Arrange Licensing • Performance Licensing • Video • Film • Documentary • Television • Cable • Radio • Streaming • Downloads • Reprint & Photocopying Licensing
Performance Licensing - ASCAP
A public performance is one that occurs either in a public place where people gather (other than a small circle of a family or social acquaintances). A public performance is also one that is transmitted to the public, for example, radio or TV broadcasts, and via the Internet. Paul Halley and his 'publisher entity' Back Alley Music are members of ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers). Please note that the purchase of printed sheet music or licensed downloads does not include a license for use of the work in a public performance.
The worldwide leader in performance royalties, service and advocacy for songwriters, composers and music publishers, ASCAP licenses the public performances of its members musical works. Check out ACE (ASCAP's searchable database of works, along with writer, publisher and recording artist information. Please note that a live stream video or recorded concert video is not covered by ASCAP performance licensing and such video content cannot be posted online without obtaining a synchronization license from the copyright holder. If you post a video that includes copyrighted works without permission from the copyright holder, your video may be taken down as an infringement of copyright.
Please note that we are in the process of updating our entries in the ASCAP database, in an effort to correct entry errors and claims mistakes made by unauthorized parties in the past. If you have any questions about an entry related to a Paul Halley or Back Alley Music composition, please contact us at Pelagosmusic at 902/531-2340 for clarification.
Mechanical Licensing - The Harry Fox Agency
Mechanical licensing is the licensing of copyrighted musical compositions for inclusion on physical CDs, tapes, and vinyl records as well as digital releases of any kind, whether album or single recording. The posting of such recordings online in music video format requires a synchronization license in addition to the mechanical license for the sound recording.
All mechanical licensing for works by Paul Halley and Back Alley Music are to be secured through our affiliation with The Harry Fox Agency. Please DO NOT ISSUE NOI's for Compulsory Mechanical Licensing to Back Alley Music. We will send you to The Harry Fox Agency anyway to get your mechanical license through their SongFile licensing channels. If you wish to know the HFA Songcode for any of our Paul Halley/Back Alley Music titles, we are happy to provide that information to you to make your mechanical licensing of our works easy and simple.
Synchronization Licensing - Tresona
Synch licenses are issued for the use of music in live-streams, videos, advertising, movies, and TV programs (aka synchronization licensing or "synch"). The copyrighted music license may be either from an existing recorded audio track or as part of a new session or live concert performance. Use of copyrighted musical works in videos of concert performances require a synchronization license, or permission from the copyright holder. Postings of videos containing copyrighted works on the internet, e.g. a website, or YouTube, without permission from the copyright holder, constitutes an infringement of copyright.
Synchronization Licensing for Back Alley Music and Pelagos Incorporated publications is administered through Tresona Music. Please contact Tresona to submit your video/streaming license request. Pelagosmusic is no longer directly administering synchronization licensing for Paul Halley/Back Alley Music/Pelagosmusic publications and works for video and film. We have turned over this sizeable task to the excellent people at Tresona.
If you post a video containing a Paul Halley composition without first securing a synchronization license, we may have your video removed from all online platforms for reasons of copyright infringement. It is your responsibility to secure a license from the owner when using a copyrighted work. If you don't have a license, you can't legally post the video. YouTube and other platforms are not responsible for getting licensing for you.
Streaming Broadcasts - synchronization licensing for live-stream performance and recorded video by non-profit and religious organizations DO require synchronization licenses.
Custom Arrangements Licensing - Tresona
A license to create a new voicing or accompaniment, whether instrumental or choral, is required from the copyright holder of a copyrighted work. Licensing MUST BE secured in advance of the creation of such a custom arrangement. The granting of a license to make a custom arrangement of a copyrighted work is at the discretion of the copyright holder. Arrangements are licensed strictly on a 'work for hire' basis and do not alter the underlying musical copyright. Many of our Permission to Arrange licenses are to band organizations for the purpose of creating a concert band or marching band arrangement of a Paul Halley composition.
We have engaged Tresona Music to assist us with Permission to Arrange licensing for all Paul Halley (Back Alley Music) works. Please contact Tresona Music to submit a licensing request for a Paul Halley/Back Alley Music composition.
The Mechanical Licensing Collective
The Mechanical Licensing Collective (The MLC) is a nonprofit organization designated by the U.S. Copyright Office pursuant to the historic Music Modernization Act of 2018. In January 2021, The MLC began administering blanket mechanical licenses to eligible streaming and download services (digital service providers or DSPs) in the United States. The MLC collects the royalties due under those licenses from the DSPs and pays songwriters, composers, lyricists, and music publishers.
The MLC administers blanket compulsory mechanical licenses, available to eligible streaming and download DSPs in the United States. The MLC is not involved in any other types of licenses or royalties, including public performance licenses or royalties, synchronization licenses or royalties, or record royalties.
The MLC has built a publicly accessible musical works database for searching song titles and ownership shares of copyrighted works.

Works by Paul Halley
Song titles below which list Paul Halley as sole composer or arranger are 100% Back Alley Music copyrights and are available for licensing. Many songs in the list below are repeated several times, to indicate their inclusion in several different recordings, either compilation albums, or new performances on new recordings.
Titles which list Paul Halley as a co-composer or co-arranger are not available for licensing due to conflicting claims and issues with other parties and record labels, issues that have yet to be resolved. We're happy to entertain your inquiry but depending on the type of licensing your request, and the particular co-claimant involved, the copyrighted work may be unavailable for licensing at this time.
Song Title, Recording, and Paul Halley's role in creating the composition
A Brighter Garden In The Wide Awe And Wisdom composer
A Christmas Peace A Christmas Peace (single) composer
A House In Heaven composer
A Letter From Giocondo composer
A Wreathed Garland composer
Adagio (J.S. Bach) Earth Music (2011) arranger
Adeste Fideles Solstice Live! co-arranger
Adoro Te (Devote) Free As A Bird arranger
Adoro Te Devote Missa Gaia/Earth Mass arranger
Agnus Dei (Missa: Hodie Christus) What Child Is This? arranger
Agnus Dei (Winter's Dream) composer
Alleluias (Choral) composer
Alleluias (Instrumental, no lyrics) Free As A Bird composer
Alleluias : Sacerdotes Dei composer
Alleluias : Surgens Jesus composer
Almeria Duet Spanish Angel co-composer
An t'Aiseiri arranger
And The Earth Spins Earth Music (2011) composer
And The Earth Spins Earth: Voices of a Planet composer
Andante (Violin Sonata #2), J.S. Bach Miho: Journey To Mountain arranger
Angel on a Stone WallAngel On A Stone Wallcomposer
Angelus Ad Virginem What Child Is This? arranger
Antarctica Earth: Voices of a Planet co-composer
Anthem Anthems composer
Anthem Living Music Collection '86 composer
Anthem Pianosong composer
Appalachian Morning Anthems composer
Appalachian Morning Earth: Voices of a Planet composer
Appalachian Morning Living Music 10 Years composer
Appalachian Morning Spanish Angel composer
Appalachian Morning The Green Album composer
Assurances Evening Songs (Collection) composer
Away Evening Songs (Collection) composer
Bach in a Minute Free As A Bird arranger
Bach Theme The Man Who Planted Trees composer
Ballad of the Forest The Man Who Planted Trees composer
Ballad of the Forest Spanish Angel composer
Bartok Variations co-composer
Beannacht Leat What Child Is This? arranger
Beati Omnes Qui Timent Dominum In The Wide Awe And Wisdom composer
Behold, The Grace Appears composer
Big Ben's Bolero Sun Singer co-composer
Birds of Fire composer
Blarney Pilgrim Celtic Solstice arranger
Blues Cathedral Callings co-composer
Blues for Cadiz Spanish Angel co-composer
Boon Song Solstice Live! composer
Bring Us, O Lord God composer
Broad Avenue Presbyterian Church Altoona America co-arranger
Bulgarian Cowboy Angel On A Stone Wall composer
Call of the Elephant Earth: Voices of a Planet co-composer
Canticle of the Sun (The) composer
Canyon Chaconne Canyon Lullaby co-composer
Canyon Chaconne Earth Music (2011) co-composer
Canyon Chaconne Paul Winter Hits 1998 co-composer
Canyon Chaconne Silver Solstice co-composer
Canyon Chaconne Solstice Gems co-composer
Canyon Chaconne (Reprise)Canyon Lullaby co-composer
Cathedral Forest Earth Music (2011) composer
Cathedral Forest Earth: Voices of a Planet composer
Cathedral Forest Silver Solstice composer
Cathedral Pines New Friend co-composer
Cathedral Pines Paul Winter Hits 1998 co-composer
Cave Of The Winds - improv Journey With the Sun co-composer
Child's Play New Friend co-composer
Chorus Angelicus Voices of Light composer
Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies arranger
Christe Qui Lux Es Et Dies Wondrous Love composer
Christmas Day Is Come Solstice Gems co-arranger
Christmas Day Is Come Solstice Live! co-arranger
Christos Agnesti composer
Circles Sound Over All Waters composer
Citi na gCumann (Kitty, my love) Celtic Soul co-arranger
Come Away to the Skies Sound Over All Waters composer
Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing Sound Over All Waters arranger
Concerto for Whale & Organ Whales Alive composer
Cucuin (The Cuckoo) Celtic Soul co arranger
Dance of the Golden Bough Wintersong co-arranger
Dancing Particles Earth Music (2011) co-composer
Dancing Particles Paul Winter Hits 1998 co-composer
Dancing Particles Spanish Angel co-composer
Dancing Particles Sun Singer co-composer
Dawn Watch Whales Alive composer
Dawn Watch Whales Alive composer
Dawn/Sunrise Nightwatch composer
Dawnwalker Celtic Solstice co-composer
Dawnwalker Solstice Gems co-composer
Dawnwalker Reprise Celtic Solstice co-composer
Dolphin Morning Sun Singer co-composer
Dolphin Morning Wolf Eyes co-composer
Down By The Sally Gardens Celtic Soul co-arranger
Down in Belgorod Anthems co-arranger
Down in Belgorod Earthbeat co-arranger
Down in Belgorod Living Music 10 Years co-arranger
Down in Belgorod Silver Solstice co-arranger
Down in Belgorod Solstice Gems co-arranger
Down in Belgorod Solstice Live! co-arranger
Duet for the Longest Night Solstice Gems co-comp
Duet for the Longest Night Solstice Live! co-comp
Ekkaleo Free As A Bird composer
Eternal Gifts composer
Evening Song (keyboard version) Triptych composer
Evening Song (sop/bar/piano) Evening Songs (Collection) composer
Fare Well (has listed as Farewell) Paul Winter Hits 1998 composer
Fare Well (has listed as Farewell) Spanish Angel composer
First Oasis Journey With the Sun co-composer
First Ride Living Music Collection '86 co-composer
First Ride New Friend co-composer
First Ride Silver Solstice co-composer
Fisherman Pianosong composer
For The Beauty (after Adoro Te) No sax Missa Gaia/Earth Mass arranger
Freedom Trilogy Sound Over All Waters composer
Full Circle Anthems co-composer
Full Circle Collection II co-composer
Full Circle Living Music Collection '86 co-composer
Full Circle New Friend co-composer
Garden of the Earth Earthbeat co-arranger
Gloria In Excelsis Deo Wondrous Love composer
Go Tell It On The Mountain What Child Is This arranger
God Be Merciful - Psalm 67 Untraveled Worlds composer
God's Grandeur In The Wide Awe And Wisdom composer
Golden Apples of the SunCeltic Solsticearranger
Golden Apples of the Sun RepriseCeltic Solsticearranger/composer
Good King WenceslasWhat Child Is Thisarranger
Good People AllSolstice Gemsarranger
Good People AllSolstice Live!arranger
Grand Canyon SunriseCanyonco-comp
Grand Canyon SunrisePaul Winter Hits 1998co-comp
Grand Canyon SunriseWolf Eyesco-comp
Grand Canyon SunsetCanyonco-comp
Grand Canyon SunsetLiving Music Collection '86co-comp
Green DreamsEarthbeatco-arranger
Green DreamsPaul Winter Hits 1998co-arranger
Green Grass, It Grows BonnyJourney With the Sunco-arranger
Hark the Herald Angels-descantChristmas Angelicusarranger
Heaven WithinSun Singercomposer
Highland HeavenSolstice Live!composer
Hodie Christus Natus Est (inst.)Free As A Birdarranger
Hodie/Good People AllSolstice Gemsarranger
Hodie/Good People AllSolstice Live!arranger
Hodie/Journey Music arranger
Hold To God's Unchanging HandSound Over All Watersarranger
Horse Walked in the Grass (The)Earthbeatco-arranger
How Can I Keep From Singing? arranger
Humphrey's BluesAnthemsco-comp
Humphrey's BluesLiving Music 10 Yearsco-comp
Humphrey's BluesWhales Aliveco-comp
Huron CarolChristmas Angelicus arranger
Hymn to the SunLiving Music 10 Yearscomposer
Hymn to the SunSun Singercomposer
I Cannot Dance, O LoveIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
I Go My WayEvening Songs (Collection)composer
Il Est Ne Le Divin Enfant arranger
I'll TrustSound Over All Watersarranger
In The Wide Awe And WisdomIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
Improvisation on Appalachian CarolSolstice Gemsco-comp
In Sideribus Domi: At Home In The Starscomposer
Infinite LightWhat Child Is Thisarranger
Jesu, the Very Thought of TheeWondrous Lovearranger
Jesus, Jesus Rest Your Head arranger
Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head What Child Is Thisarranger
Joy (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring?)Japanese Bach albumco-arranger
Joy (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring?)Japanese Bach albumco-arranger
Joy To The World arranger
Jubilate DeoSound Over All Waterscomposer
Kites in the Wind Pianosongcomposer
Kurski FunkCollection IIco-arranger
Kurski FunkEarthbeatco-arranger
Kurski FunkSilver Solsticeco-arranger
Kurski FunkSolstice Gemsco-arranger
Kyrie (Earth Mass/Missa Gaia)Anthemsco-comp
Kyrie (Earth Mass/Missa Gaia)Missa Gaia/Earth Massco-comp
Kyrie (Earthbeat)Earthbeatcomposer
Kyrie Bitte Bei der grossen Schuld arranger
Kyrie de Angelis arranger
La Alhambra (has Alhambra La)Angel On A Stone Wallcomposer
Lairin an ghearaltaigh (Fitzgerald's Racehorse)Celtic Soulco-arranger
Laudate Dominum composer
Les Petits Troubadors de Dieu Voices of Light composer
Let All The World In Every Corner Sing composer
Let The Word Of Christ composer
Little OneWintersongarranger
Loner SongFree As A Birdcomposer
Lord of All HopefulnessVoices of Lightarranger
Love SomeoneEvening Songs (Collection)composer
Love Songs for Springtime Wondrous Love composer
Love Songs for Springtime Wondrous Love composer
MadrigalArms Around Youcomposer
MadrigalArms Around Youcomposer
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (Calgary) composer
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (Lichfield) composer
Magnificat: Tone IIIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
Maris StellaTriptychcomposer
Marvelous ErrorSound Over All Waterscomposer
Maskell's HarbourFree As A Birdarranger
Meadows of Loose HorsesPianosongcomposer
Middle EarthTriptychcomposer
Middle Oasis - improv.Journey With the Sunco-composer
MontanaAngel On A Stone Wallcomposer
MontanaSpanish Angelcomposer
Moon DanceNightwatchcomposer
Moons of JupiterCollection IIcomposer
Moons of JupiterPianosongcomposer
Morning DuetNew Friendco-comp
Move Eastward, Happy EarthIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
Music For A Sunday Night In SalamancaSpanish Angelco-comp
My Beloved SpakeIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
My Ladye SarabandeTriptychcomposer
New FriendNew Friendco-comp
Night GliderArms Around Youco-comp
Night GliderArms Around Youco-comp
Nobile Claret OpusIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
O Come, All Ye Faithful - descantChristmas Angelicusarranger
O Magnum Mysterium composer
O Wondrous Type arranger
Oak ThemeSpanish Angelcomposer
Oak ThemeThe Man Who Planted Treescomposer
Ocean ChildEarth: Voices of a Planetco-comp
Oculi OmniumIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
O'Farrell's Welcome to LimerickCeltic Solsticeco-arranger
Offertorium composer
Once in Royal David's City - descantChristmas Angelicusarranger
Outer HebridesTriptychcomposer
PathfinderNew Friendco-comp
Peasant RevelsAnthemsco-arranger
Peasant RevelsWintersongco-arranger
PeregrineFree As A Birdcomposer
Pictures in a PondNew Friendco-comp
Pilgrim composer
PrayerAngel On A Stone Wallcomposer
PrayerPaul Winter Hits 1998composer
Prelude: March of San Benito Solstice Live!co-arranger
Private WeatherNew Friendco-comp
Psalm 150: Laudate DominumIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
Psalm 57: Be Merciful To Me, O God composer
Reflections in a Summer PondSun Singercomposer
Remembering YouArms Around Youco-comp
Requiem For Dmitri composer
Requiem For DmitriTriptych composer
Return of the SunSolstice Live!co-comp
Return of the Sun Silver Solstice composer
Return of the Sun Solstice Gemscomposer
Return to GaiaMissa Gaia/Earth Massco-comp
Rhuah ReturnsFree As A Birdcomposer
Ridges and ValleysAltoona Americacomposer
River CampThe Song of Riversco-comp
River RunCanyonco-comp
River RunLiving Music Collection '86co-comp
River RunPaul Winter Hits 1998co-comp
River RunSpanish Angelco-comp
River RunWolf Eyesco-comp
Rock-A My SoulVoices of Lightarranger
Rolling OnAngel On A Stone Wallcomposer
Russian GirlsEarth: Voices of a Planetco-comp
Sanctus & BenedictusMissa Gaia/Earth Massco-comp
Sanctus and Benedictus (Dream)In The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
Sands of TimeTriptychcomposer
Sea SongAngel On A Stone Wallcomposer
Sea SongEarth Music (2011) composer
Sea WolfCallingsco-comp
Seeds of LoveElectra&Exultate C.S.composer
September NocturnePianosongcomposer
Shores of IronboundTriptychcomposer
SicilianoAltoona Americaarranger
Silent NightSilver Solstice co-arranger
Silent NightSolstice Gemsco-arranger
Soldier,Soldier - Won't You Marry Me?Wondrous Love composer
Solstice ChantSilver Solstice composer
Solstice ChantSolstice Gemscomposer
Solstice ChantSolstice Live!composer
Song For CanadaEHD Publicationcomposer
Song for the WorldCollection IIcomposer
Song for the WorldEarthbeatcomposer
Song for the WorldSilver Solstice composer
Song for the WorldSolstice Gemscomposer
Song for the WorldWolf Eyescomposer
Song of Hope (Bach Theme)Living Music 10 Yearsarranger
Song of Praise co-comp
Sound Over All WatersConcert for the Earthcomposer
Sound Over All WatersSilver Solsticecomposer
Sound Over All WatersSound Over All Waterscomposer
Spirit of Africville composer
St. LeonidPianosongcomposer
Suantraithe (Lullabies) Celtic Soulco-arranger
Suite from The Man Who Planted Trees composer
Summer Suns Are Glowing composer
Summer WindsOscar!composer
Sun PsalmMissa Gaia/Earth Massco-comp
Sun SingerAnthemsco-comp
Sun SingerConcert for the Earthco-comp
Sun SingerEarth Music (2011) co-comp
Sun SingerLiving Music Collection '86co-comp
Sun SingerPaul Winter Hits 1998co-comp
Sun SingerSilver Solsticeco-comp
Sun SingerSun Singerco-comp
Sun SingerWolf Eyesco-comp
Swedish SongWintersongco-arranger
Sweet ComeraghsCeltic Solsticeco-arranger
Take Back The NightSusanco-comp
Talking bellsCallingsco-comp
The Bailiff's DaughterWondrous Love composer
The Ballad of Hiram Hover composer
The Breughel BoysTriptychcomposer
The Dawning composer
The Despairing LoverWondrous Lovecomposer
The Endless Sea composer
The First Nowell - arrangementWhat Child Is Thisarranger
The First Nowell - descantChristmas Angelicusarranger
The Grey Selchie Untraveled Worldsarranger
The Jig Is Up Triptychcomposer
The LakeEarthbeatcomposer
The LakeSilver Solsticecomposer
The LakeWolf Eyescomposer
The Lover's Arithmetic Wondrous Lovecomposer
The Maypole Wondrous Love composer
The Open Door composer
The Place of Your Abode composer
The Prince and the PauperThe Prince & The Paupercomposer
The Prince and the Pauper Angel On A Stone Wallcomposer
The PulleyIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
The Rain Is Over And Gone Silver Solsticecomposer
The Rain Is Over And Gone Solstice Gemscomposer
The Rain Is Over And Gone Sound Over All Waterscomposer
The Road Taken Pianosongcomposer
The Song In The Air composer
The Song of Wandering Aengus Untraveled Worldsarranger
The Spacious Firmament On High composer
The Sparrow Solstice Gemsco-arranger
The Sparrow Solstice Live!co-arranger
The Universe is Born Altoona Americaco-comp
The Voyage Home Whales Alivecomposer
Themes From Missa GaiaMissa Gaia/Earth Mass
Themes From Missa GaiaMissa Gaia/Earth Mass
They Were Here FirstAltoona Americaco-comp
Thugamar Fein (Summer, Summer)Celtic Soulco-arranger
Tis Winter NowWhat Child Is Thisarranger
To Be With YouEvening Songs (Collection)composer
Toccata AndromedaTriptychcomposer
Todo Mundo Angel On A Stone Wallcomposer
Todo Mundo Spanish Angelcomposer
Tomorrow is My Dancing DaySilver Solsticearranger
Tomorrow is My Dancing DaySolstice Gemsarranger
Tomorrow is My Dancing DaySolstice Live!arranger
Tomorrow is My Dancing DayWintersongarranger
Tree Planter's ThemeThe Man Who Planted Treesco-comp
Tree Planter's Theme Spanish Angelco-comp
Trio BuskPaul Winter Hits 1998co-comp
TriumphCeltic Solsticeco-comp
TrufflesArms Around Youco-comp
TurningWhales Alivecomposer
Ubi CaritasAngel On A Stone Wallcomposer
Ubi CaritasAnthemscomposer
Ubi CaritasLiving Music 10 Yearscomposer
Under The SunEarth: Voices of A Planetco-comp
United In Song composer
Untraveled WorldsUntraveled Worldscomposer
Verbum Caro Factum EstWondrous Lovecomposer
Voices of LightVoices of Lightcomposer
Wassail Song/Auld Lang Syne arranger
Watts' Cradle HymnWhat Child Is Thisarranger
We Are Not Alone (UCC) composer
We Love The Place, O God composer
We Wait For Thy Loving KindnessIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
We Will Rejoice For EvermoreIn The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
Whales Weep NotWhales Aliveco-comp
What Child Is ThisWhat Child Is Thisarranger
What Stood Will StandWondrous Lovecomposer
Whatever Else You DoEvening Songs (Collection)composer
Where Is This Stupendous Stranger composer
Winter's DreamPaul Winter Hits 1998composer
Winter's DreamSpanish Angelcomposer
Winter's DreamSun Singercomposer
Within the Mind of ThomasPianosongcomposer
Wondrous LoveWondrous Lovearranger
You Gather Things To You (Neruda)In The Wide Awe And Wisdomcomposer
ZoeArms Around Youco-comp
A Prince and PauperThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
Act I FinaleThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
All Hail the KingThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
Begging and ThievingThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
Brighten Our LivesThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
Clothes Make the ManThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
CoronationThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
It Doesn't MatterThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
Look At Us NowThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
PrologueThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
SomedayThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
Them or UsThe Prince and the Paupercomposer
What is the MatterThe Prince and the Paupercomposer