
Where Is This Stupendous Stranger

Choral score
PEL2072-Choir Unaccompanied

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Instrumentation / Accompaniment
Perusal score


A setting of the Christopher Smart poem “The Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - A Hymn”.

Composed 2009 for acclaimed soprano, Suzie Le Blanc, and The Chapel Choir of The University of King's College, Halifax.

    'Where Is This Stupendous Stranger', comp. Halley, from "A King's Christmas 2016" at 00.16.53

    'Where Is This Stupendous Stranger', comp. Halley, performed by The Chapel Choir of The University of King's College, Halifax, with Janelle Lucyk, soprano, from "A King's Christmas 2016" at 00.16.53

    Where Is This Stupendous Stranger

    Words: Christopher Smart (1722-71) from “The Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - A Hymn”
    usic: Paul Halley (1952 - )


    1 Where is this stupendous stranger,
    Swains of Solyma, advise?
    Lead me to my Master's manger,
    Show me where my Saviour lies.

    2 O Most Mighty! O Most Holy!
    Far beyond the seraph's thought,
    Art thou then so mean and lowly
    As unheeded prophets taught?

    3 O the magnitude of meekness!
    Worth from worth immortal sprung;
    O the strength of infant weakness,
    If eternal is so young!

    4 Nature's decorations glisten
    Far above their usual trim;
    Birds on box and laurels listen,
    As so near the cherubs hymn.

    5 Boreas now no longer winters
    On the desolated coast;
    Oaks no more are riv'n in splinters
    By the whirlwind and his host.

    6 Spinks and ouzels sing sublimely**,
    "We too have a Saviour born";
    Whiter blossoms burst untimely
    On the blest Mosaic thorn.           

    7 God all-bounteous, all-creative,
    Whom no ills from good dissuade,
    Is incarnate, and a native
    Of the very world He made.


    Christopher Smart


    ** Smart loved the natural world and draws blackbirds (which he calls ouzles,
    and chaffinches that he calls spinks) into the very heart of what Christmas is all about.

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