The Salutation Carol
Choral score
PEL2096-Choir Unaccompanied
An arrangement of the 15th century English carol for SATB choir unaccompanied.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell
This is the salutation of the Angel Gabriel.
1. Tidings true there be come new,
Sent from the Trinity
By Gabriel to Nazareth,
City of Galilee.
A clean maiden, a pure virgin,
By her humility
Shall now conceive the Person
Second in Deity.
2. When that he presented was
Before her fair visage,
In most demure and goodly wise
He did to her homage;
And said, “Lady, from heaven so high.
That Lordes heritage,
For he of thee now born will be,
I'm sent on his message.
3. “Hail, Virgin celestial,
The meek'st that ever was!
Hail, temple of the Deity!
Hail, mirror of all grace!
Hail, Virgin pure! I thee ensure,
Within a little space
Thou shalt conceive, and him receive
That shall bring great solace.
4. Then bespake the Maid again
And answered womanly,
“Whate'er my Lord commandeth me
I will obey truly.”
With “Ecce sum humillima
Ancilla Domini;
Secundum verbum tuum,”
She said, “Fiat mihi.”
Words & Music: anon. 15th cent. English; arr. P. Halley