Requiem for Dmitri / choral
SATB choral/piano score
PEL2103-Choir and Piano
Composed by Paul Halley in memory of Dmitri Pokrovsky (1944-1996), founder of Pokrovsky Ensemble, whom Paul Halley first met on a concert tour to the Soviet Union in the 1980's with the Paul Winter Consort. This composition featuring The Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble was premiered at the Paul Winter Consort's 'Winter Solstice' concert at the Cathedral of St. John The Divine, New York City, in December 1997.
Dmitri Viktorovich Pokrovsky (1944-1996) was a Russian folk music researcher and musician, best known for his efforts to rediscover authentic, and often near extinct rural musical traditions, from many different regions of Russia, and re-enacting them with the Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble. The credo of The Pokrovsky Ensemble that Russian traditional folk music is a living treasure of Russian culture and is the basis for all classical and contemporary Russian music. The Ensemble collaborated with The Paul Winter Consort during Paul Halley's tenure with the Consort on the albums 'Earthbeat' (1987) and 'Earth: Voices of A Planet' (1991), both of which contain a rich variety of Paul Halley's musical compositions and performances, especially the well-known, "Appalachian Morning'.
Originally composed in 1997 as a choral work, Paul Halley later adapted the piece as an instrumental trio version for piano, organ, and harpsichord for inclusion on his 1999 Pelagosmusic recording "Triptych" (Cat. No. PEL1003).
Requiem for Dmitri
Words: Alexander Pushkin & Anna Akhmatova
Music: Paul Halley
Translation: Maria Koutovenko
У лукоморья дуб зелёный;
Златая цепь на дубе том:
И днём и ночью кот учёный
Всё ходит по цепи кругом.
U lukomorja dup zeljonyi;
Zlataja tsep na dube tom:
I dnjom i noch’ju kot uchjonyi
Vsjo khodit po tsepi krugom.
By the sea - a green oak;
A golden chain upon that oak;
And day and night a learned cat
Walks upon the chain in circles.
Там русский дух,
Там Русью пахнет!
Там русский дух,
Там Русью пахнет!
Tam ruski dukh,
Tam Rus’ju pakhnet!
Tam ruski dukh,
Tam Rus’ju pakhnet!
There the Russian spirit (is),
There the scent of Russia!
There the Russian spirit (is),
There the scent of Russia!
И там он был,
И мёд он пил,
У моря видел дуб зелёный;
Под ним сидел и кот учёный
К своим песням приучил.
I tam on byl,
I mod on pil;
U morja videl dup zeljonyi;
Pod nim sidel, i kot uchjonyi
Ksvoim pesnjam priuchil.
And there he was,
And mead he drank;
By the sea he saw the green oak;
He sat beneath it and the learned cat
Taught to him his songs.
Там русский дух,
Там Русью пахнет
Там русский дух,
Там Русью пахнет
Tam ruski dukh,
Tam Rus’ju pakhnet!
Tam ruski dukh,
Tam Rus’ju pakhnet!
There the Russian spirit (is),
There the scent of Russia!
There the Russian spirit (is),
There the scent of Russia!
Будем чёрные грядки холить
Ключевой водой поливать,
Полевые цветы на воле
Их не надо трогать и рвать
Budem chjornyi grjadki kholit’,
Kljuchevoi vodoi polevat’;
Polevyje tsvety na vole,
Ikh ne nado trogat’ i rvat’.
We will take care of black garden beds,
Water (them) with spring water,
The flowers of the field are free,
One shouldn't touch or pick them.
Пусть их больше, чем звёзд зажженных
В сентябрьских небесах.
Для детей, для бродяг,
для влюблённых
Вырастают цветы на полях.
Pust’ ikh bol’she, chem zvjozd zazhjonnykh
Vsentjabr’skikh nebesakh,
Dlja detei, dlja brodjak,
dlja vlubljonnykh
Vyrastajut tsvety na poljakh.
May there be more of them than the stars kindled
In the September skies, ---
For children, for beggars,
for lovers,
Flowers grow in the fields.
А наши для тебя, Дмитрий,
В тот единственный светлый день,
Дмитрий, Дмитрий
Когда возгласы литургии
Возлетят под дивную сень,
A nashi dlja tebja, Dimitri,
Vtot jedinstvennyi svetlyi den’,
Dimitri, Dimitri
Kogda vozglasy liturgii
Vozletjat pod divnuju sen’.
And ours are for you, Dmitry,
On that one bright day
Dmitry, Dmitry,
When the voices of liturgy
Fly up to the miraculous tabernacle.
И как волны приносят на сушу
То, что сами на смерть обрекли,
Принесём покаянную душу
И цветы из русской земли.
I kak volny prinosjat na sushu
To, shto sami na smert’ obrekli,
Prinesjom pokajanuju dushu
I tsveti iz Russkoi zemli.
And as the waves wash to the shore
That, which they themselves left to die
We will bring the repented soul
And flowers from the Russian soil.
Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine.
Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord.
Земной отрадой сердца не томил
Не пристращайся ни к славе, ни к дому,
У своего богатства хлеб ты взял
Чтобы отдать его чужому.
Zemnoi otradoi serdtsa ne tomil,
Ne pristrashchaisa ni nik slave, nik domu,
U svojevo bogatstva khlep ty vzjal
Shtoby otdat’ jevo uzhomu.
You did not torment your heart with earthly pleasure,
Did not cling either to fame or to home,
From your wealth you took bread
In order to give it to a stranger.
И был слугой смиреннейшим того,
Кто был твоим кромешным супостатом.
И ты назвал лесного зверя братом,
И не просил у Бога ничего.
I byl slugoi smirenneishim tovo
Kto byl tvoim kromeshnym supostatom.
I ty nazval lesnova zverja bratom,
I ne prosil u boga nichevo.
And you were the most humble servant of the one
Who used to be your bitterest enemy.
And you called the beast of the forest, brother,
And asked from God nothing at all.
Нам всё твоя мерещится работа,
Твои благословенные труды
Звуков всегда осенних позолота
И голоса как чистые пруды.
Nam vsjo, tvoja mereshchitsa rabota,
Tvoi blagoslovennye trudy:
Zvukov vsegda osennykh pozolota
I golosa kak chistye prudy.
Your work keeps haunting us,
Your God-given labours:
The gold of eternally autumnal sounds,
And voices like pure fresh ponds.
Подумай, и тончайшая дремота
Уже ведёт и нас в твои сады,
Где каждого пугаясь поворота,
В беспамятстве ищем твои следы.
Podumai i tonchaishaja dremota
Uzhe vedjot i nas vtvoi sady,
Gde kazhdovo pugajas’ povorota,
Vbespamjatstve ishchem tvoi sledy.
Imagine, a delicate drowsiness
Is already taking us to your gardens,
Where startled at every turn,
We search feverishly for traces of you.
Войдём ли мы под свод преображенный,
Твоим голосом в небо превращенный,
Там станем мы блаженными навеки,
Там снова обретём мы слёзный дар
Раскалённые смежая веки
Чтоб остудился наш постылый жар?
Voidjom li my pod svod preobrazhjonnyi,
Tvoim golosom vnebo prevrashchjonyi,
Tam stanem my blazhjonyimi naveki,
Tam snova obretjom my sljoznyi dar.
Raskaljionnye smezhaja veki,
Shtob ostudilsa nash postyly zhar?
Will we enter under the transfigured vault,
By your voice transformed into heaven?
There we will become blissful forever,
There we will gain again the gift of tears.
And close our burning eyes
And cool our accursed fever.
Там русский дух,
Там Русью пахнет!
Там русский дух,
Там Русью пахнет!
Tam ruski dukh,
Tam Rus’ju pakhnet!
Tam ruski dukh,
Tam Rus’ju pakhnet!
There the Russian spirit (is),
There the scent of Russia!
There the Russian spirit (is),
There the scent of Russia!
Для тебя, для тебя, Дмитрий.
Dlja tebja, dlja tebja Dimitri.
For you, for you, Dmitry.