Missa Gaia / Earth Mass Choir & Piano

Missa Gaia / Earth Mass

SATB choral/piano score
HL08744396-Choir and Piano

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Choral score SATB/piano
Please order this product directly from the print publisher, Hal Leonard, or through your music dealer.

Page count
Perusal score

Sound cues audio CD (animals only)
HL08744600-Sound Cues

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Sound Cues (animals only) audio CD for engineer.
Please order this product directly from the print publisher, Hal Leonard, or through your music dealer.

Instrumental parts

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Set of Instrumental Parts
for bass, percussion, organ, soprano sax, cello, oboe, English horn.
Please order this product directly from the print publisher, Hal Leonard, or through your music dealer.


Composed 1981 for the Cathedral of St. John The Divine, The Reverend James Parks Morton, Dean of the Cathedral, by Paul Halley, Jim Scott, Paul Winter, Kim Oler, and Oscar Castro-Neves, with the voices of Humpback Whale, Tundra Wolf, and Harp Seal.

Premiered by the Paul Winter Consort in 1981 for the St. Francis Day service at the Cathedral of St. John The Divine in New York City, where Paul Halley was Director of Music and The Paul Winter Consort were Artists-In-Residence, Missa Gaia is a contemporary ecumenical and ecological Mass celebrating the Earth. Paul Halley’s trademark lyrical melodies are featured, with dynamic rhythms from African, Brazilian and American Gospel traditions. The work incorporates traditional Mass and Biblical texts with the voices of wolf, whale and harp seal.  Contains newly edited versions of the seven original choral movements set for mixed choir and keyboard with optional instrumental parts 
enabling Missa Gaia to be performed in both liturgical settings and concert halls.  Other Halley titles may be added to round out your concert or service. Approximate length of the seven movements of Missa Gaia are noted below.

Canticle of Brother Sun - Scott, Winter - 4:45
Kyrie - Halley, Winter - 5:30
The Beatitudes - Scott - 6:50
Sanctus & Benedictus - 
Halley, Winter, Neves - 5:45
Agnus Dei -  Scott, Winter - 5:35
Blue Green Hills of Earth - Oler, arr. Halley - 3:15
Canticle of Brother Sun (reprise) - Scott, Winter - 4:45

As the seven movements of the Missa Gaia publication comprise only 35 minutes of music, we recommended the following companion pieces by Paul Halley for your Earth Mass performance:

'Ubi Caritas' by Paul Halley - PEL2003

'The Rain Is Over And Gone' by Paul Halley - PEL2009

'Sound Over All Waters' by Paul Halley - PEL2081

'Freedom Trilogy' by Paul Halley - PEL2004

'Alleluias' by Paul Halley - PEL2042

'Come Away To The Skies' by Paul Halley - PEL2037

'Hold To God's Unchanging Hand' by Paul Halley - PEL2028

'Jubilate Deo' by Paul Halley - PEL2029

'Laudate Dominum' by Paul Halley - PEL2048

'Les Petits Troubadours de Dieu' (text from St. Francis) by Paul Halley - PEL2082


    'Missa Gaia/Earth Mass', comp. Halley, Scott, Winter, Oler, Castro-Neves, album recording

    Missa Gaia/Earth Mass

    "Canticle of Brother Sun"
    Words: St. Francis, Book of Job, adapt. P. Winter

    All praise by yours through Brother Sun,
    All praise be yours through Sister Moon.
    By Mother Earth my Lord be praised,
    By Brother Mountain, Sister Sea.
    Through Brother Wind and Brother Air,
    Through Sister Water, Brother Fire;
    The stars above give thanks to thee;
    All praise to those who live in peace.

    All praise by yours through Brother Wolf,
    All praise be yours through Sister Whale.
    By Nature's song my Lord be praised,
    By Brother Eagle, Sister Loon.
    Through Brother Tiger, Sister Sea,
    Through Sister Flower, Brother Tree.
    Let creatures all give thanks to thee;
    All praise to those who live in peace.

    Ask of the beasts and they shall teach you
    the beauty of the earth.
    Ask of the trees and they shall teach you
    the beauty of the earth.
    Ask of the winds and they shall teach you
    the beauty of the earth.
    Ask of the flowers and they shall teach you
    the beauty of the earth.
    Brother Sun, Sister Moon

    "For The Beauty of The Earth"
    Words: F. S. Pierpont

    For the beauty of the Earth,
    sing oh sing today.
    Of the sky and of our birth,
    sing oh sing today.
    Nature human and divine,
    all around us lies.
    Lord of all, to thee we raise
    grateful hymns of praise.

    Words: Greek, 3rd cent.

    Kýrie, eléison; Christé, eléison; Kýrie, eléison.

    Translation: Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy.

    "The Beatitudes"
    Words: from the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke

    Rejoice, rejoice and be exceedingly glad,
    for great is your reward in heaven.

    In thy kingdom, O Lord, remember us.

    Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
    Blessed are they who mourn,
    for they shall be comforted.
    Blessed are the meek,
    for they shall inherit the earth.
    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
    after righteousness,
    for they shall be filled.
    Blessed are the merciful,
    for they shall obtain mercy.
    Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they shall see God.
    Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they shall be called the children of God.
    Blessed are those who are persecuted
    for righteousness sake,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


    "Sanctus and Benedictus"
    Words: Roman Rite

    Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,
    Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
    Pleni sunt caeli et terra
    gloria tua.
    Hosanna in excelsis.

    Benedictus qui venit
    in nomine Domini.
    Hosanna in excelsis. 

    Holy, Holy, Holy,
    Lord God of Hosts.
    Heaven and earth are full
    of your glory.
    Hosanna in the highest.

    Blessed is he who comes
    in the name of the Lord.
    Hosanna in the highest.


    "Agnus Dei"
    Words: Roman Rite

    Agnus Dei,
    qui tollis peccata mundi,
    miserere nobis.

    Agnus Dei,
    qui tollis peccata mundi,
    miserere nobis.

    Agnus Dei,
    qui tollis peccata mundi,
    dona nobis pacem.

    Lamb of God,
    you take away the sins of the world,
    have mercy on us.

    Lamb of God,
    you take away the sins of the world,
    have mercy on us.

    Lamb of God,
    you take away the sins of the world,
    grant us peace.

    "The Blue Green Hills of Earth"
    Words: Kim Oler

    For the earth, forever turning,
    For the skies, for ev'ry sea,
    To our Lord we sing, returning
    home to our blue green hills of earth.

    For the mountains, hills and pastures,
    In their silent majesty,
    For all life, for all of Nature,
    sing we our joyful praise to Thee.

    For the sun, for rain and thunder,
    For the land that makes us free,
    For the stars, for all the heavens,
    Sing we our joyful praise to Thee.

    "Let Us Depart in Peace"
    (Reprise of 'Canticle of Brother Sun'
    and 'For The Beauty of The Earth')
    Words: St. Francis, Book of Job, adapt. P. Winter

    Words: F. S. Pierpont

    from Amazon.com - Bob Zeidler's Listmania

    This is an ecumenical, ecological world view of how the idea and the form of liturgical music might be adapted to a celebration of Mother Earth as much as it is a CD full of performance highlights.

    At risk of playing favorites, Paul Winter and Paul Halley do some of their best work in "Return to Gaia." Both are at the top of their form here; Halley's extended organ improvisation reminds us of what Virgil Fox was capable of doing so brilliantly on his better days. "Sanctus and Benedictus" is guaranteed to bring your musical muscles and bones alive, but be advised that it's probably not a good idea to listen to it while driving an automobile! And the several tracks that feature Susan Osborn showcase a wonderful and totally unique gospel voice that causes one to ask, "How do we get to hear more of Ms. Osborn?"

    As much as the music is ecumenical in its inspiration, it is equally ecumenical in its usage of musical instruments. Human musicians and the music of various fauna species peacefully coexist in this joyous music. With only moderately careful listening, you can also experience the inventive coexistence of sitar, electric bass and a battery of world percussion with the more usual instruments in the Paul Winter Consort (if oboe, English horn, cello and pipe organ can be called "usual") as well as all of the outstanding singing by the remarkable Ms. Osborn and the chorus of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. The electric bass riff in "The Promise of a Fisherman" (based on the Afro-Brazilian chant "Iemanja") stands out, and adds further testimony to Paul Winter's own musical ecumenicism.

    An essential Paul Winter Consort "classic." Sheer joy from start to finish. Highly recommended!

    - Bob Zeidler    

    from Amazon Customer Reviews

    Astounding. The Missa Gaia is, by far, the most amazing choral work I have ever heard. To put it bluntly, Paul Winter and Paul Halley are geniuses. I had the privilege of performing this work with the entire Paul Winter Consort and three of the four composers of the Missa Gaia two days ago at the St. Bartholomew's Cathedral in New York City. Very few choral works have given me chills when I sang them - this one succeeded. Buy the CD. You won't regret it.

    - Evan Kinney

    A mystical dance of love celebrating all of life.
    I first heard this album in the mid 80's on the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the birth of Saint Francis of Assisi, a mystic who renewed the Church and reunited humanity with mother earth. The music brings together the Colorado River and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, wolves, whales and loons, cathedral choirs and native dancers. It is a fully human celebration of all of creation and the wonder of the Creator. This rare and creative work needs to be felt and imagined, not just heard. It has the power to transport, to enliven and to heal the soul. It will always remain a classic for me.

    - anonymous

    An outstanding accomplishment!
    Those acquainted with the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, or similar liturgies, will recognize traditional themes in many of these compositions, expressed in fresh new ways, including the sounds of nature as part of the arrangements. But even for those without these same roots, there is reverence and beauty expressed in lyric, tune, and interpretation. This is true thanksgiving and awe at the wonders that surround us in the earth in which we live.

    - anonymous

    Catalogue number