Come Away To The Skies
SATB choral/piano score
PEL2037-Choir and Piano
Instrumental parts
With PEL2037 Come Away To The Skies, Paul Halley has created a new melody for Charles Wesley's beautiful text, a dedication to his wife on her birthday. Interwoven with this golden thread of new melody is the text of St. Bernard of Clairvaux's "Jesu, Dulcis Memoria" , resulting in a rich and colorful choral tapestry, a Halley hallmark.
This work was created in 1998 for the CD "Sound Over All Waters" featuring Theresa Thomason and Keramion.
Included on the recording "Sound Over All Waters” with Theresa Thomason and Keramion Singers, directed by Paul Halley (PEL1001)
Come Away To The Skies
Words: Charles Wesley (1707 - 1778), “For His Wife, On Her Birthday”
and St. Bernard of Clairvaux, “Jesu, Dulcis Memoria”
Music: Paul Halley (1952 - )
“For His Wife, On Her Birthday” by Charles Wesley
Come away to the skies, My beloved arise
And rejoice on the day thou wast born,
On that festival day Come exulting away,
To thy heavenly country return.
We have laid up our love And our treasure above,
Though our bodies continue below;
The redeem’d of the Lord We remember his word,
And with singing to Sion we go.
Now with thanks we approve The design of thy love
Which hath join’d us, in Jesus his name,
So united in heart, That we never can part,
Till we meet at the feast of the Lamb.
And there at his seat We shall suddenly meet,
And be parted in body no more,
We shall sing to our lyres With the heavenly quires,
And our Saviour in glory adore.
Hallelujah we sing To our Father and King,
And his rapturous praises repeat;
To the Lamb that was slain Hallelujah again
Sing all heaven, and fall at his feet.
For thy glory we are, Created to share
Both the nature and kingdom divine:
Created again That our souls may remain
In time and eternity thine.
“Jesu, Dulcis Memoria” by St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Jesu, dulcis memoria,
Dans vera cordis gaudia:
Sed super mel et omnia
Eius praesentia.
Nil canitur suavius,
Quam Dei Filius.
Jesus, how sweet the very thought,
Giving true joy to the heart,
But above honey and all else
Is His presence.
Nothing more lovely is sung
Than “Son of God”.